Jamie Faye Fenton's Blog

This page covers Jamie's life as a transgender journalist and personality.

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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Laura White visits
This weekend my friend Laura White visited from Miami Beach.

I met Laura at Southern Comfort in 2003 and 2004. She is a fun-loving gal and a regular gal-about-town in the Miami area. Laura has a chapter written about her in the book "The Secret Lives of Married Men", and has appeared in several art and music videos.

Laura flew in last Friday wearing the blue mini-dress shown in the photo. After grabbing a bite to eat at the Thai place on the corner, we went over to Diva's.

Laura loved Diva's. She said she had never seen so many TG people in one place (outside of Southern Comfort). Fortunately several of my friends saw my announcement on TGPartyGirls and met up with us there.

Saturday we went out to breakfast, then I voted in the Imperial Court Election for the two candidates who have appeared at TGSF events. Later we went to Haight-Ashbury and the Piedmont Boutique. The Piedmont is the major TG-oriented shop in San Francisco and was very busy - mostly serving genetic girls looking to buy sexy outfits.

Later Laura and I went to Good Vibrations and the Grubsteak Diner in Polk Gultch. After touching up our makeup, we went back to Divas again on Saturday for more dancing and hanging out. My boyfriend Rich was there too. Laura and Rich hit it off.

Sunday morning, my friend Elaine drove up from Menlo Park to give Laura (in a red mini dress this time) a ride back to SFO. The time went way too fast.

If you know me from afar and want to come out to San Francisco, please meow. I usually know what is happening and perhaps we can have fun together.