Jamie Faye Fenton's Blog

This page covers Jamie's life as a transgender journalist and personality.

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Sunday, September 19, 2004
TGForum Update
Alaina has managed to restore the weekly subscription site, member email, and member's home pages. She decided to take advantage of the disruption and transition the internal content management system to a more up-to-date framework. This is a good thing.

MEOW photos are still broken, as is MEOW authenticated login. From external appearances, it will take some time for all of the functionality of TGForum to be restored, as things like subscription processing will have to be recoded to run using PHP.

Thursday, September 16, 2004
TGForum experiencing a disruption
The main TGForum server, which serves up the weekly edition, member home pages, email, and deals with MEOW chat photos, failed at around noon today (9/16). The MEOW chat room and the TGForum vendors area are partially operating.

Alaina Hardie, who took over from me as TGForum systems administrator, is working furiously to restore services. As that is the priority, she has not had time to do an analysis to determine exactly what went wrong. Fortunately it appears that much of the damage is recoverable.

I will help out as I can, but this is her show. From my perspective, she is doing a fine job on a most difficult day. Your patience is most appreciated.

-- Jamie Faye Fenton

Thursday, September 09, 2004
Eve's Friday Nights Out on temporary hiatus
Eve Summers learned a day or two ago that she is losing access to the apartment at which she was performing transformation services near Diva's and the Polk Gulch area. This is most regrettable since her Friday Night Out activity was definitely catching on.

Eve will be actively looking for a new space in the area to work out of, so hopefully our organized activity can resume soon. Eve is still offering transformation services at a different location, so don't hesitate to call her - its just that we can't all rally at the space near Diva's until she has her new plan in place.

I will be at Diva's each Friday night, and so will several other of the regulars. Perhaps we can keep this new tradition alive.